So I have decided to bite the bullet and start a blog; mainly to get into the habit of writing consistently to help shake off whatever rust I have, but also to provide some hopefully interesting social commentaries and in depth posts on what I'm passionate about.
Being a white man from Dublin, Ireland -- naturally I'm a huge fan of rap music, and as such I will be writing reviews on some of the newest mix-tapes and albums that come out over the months ahead.
I also love sneakers. I am one of those really annoying people on Instagram that hashtag a hundred different #sneaker words on a birds-eye-view picture showing nothing but my trainers (and if I'm feeling frisky, a pair of tan ankles). I will be posting about the sneakers that are hot right now, both here in Dublin and abroad, and what sneakers simply should be avoided at all cost (Huarache Mid, I'm looking at you).
Warning: I may also rant from time to time. Whether it's about the pungent, clearly insane, old man on the bus that just has to choose the seat next to me when there's a million other empty seats, or the fact that I still haven't got over the fact they killed off Hedwig in Harry Potter (spoiler alert). I WILL be blogging about it.
So if you're a disgruntled rapper who likes trainers; then this is the blog for you -- and if you're not, well, hopefully you stick around anyway!